Bazarrr template

Stylish & modern template to build a great web directory website

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Version: 1.0.2 Updated: Jun 27, 2017 Views: 21240

Template for Subrion CMS Web Directory Script


  • Many configuration options
  • Mobile ready

For developers:

There is a hidden page with all supported elements. You can access it like this:

Automatic remote installation

  • Navigate to Extensions / Templates in your Subrion admin dashboard
  • Here you will see a list of templates: faded out templates are available for download
  • Choose desired template and click Download button
  • Click Activate on downloaded template

Manual uploading

Sometimes your script does not have writable permissions. In this case you'd need to upload template folder to Subrion installation manually. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Download template from templates marketplace
  • Unpack the downloaded zip archive, get rid of version in folder name (Ex: "agency_1.0.0" should be "agency")
  • Upload template folder in your Subrion core templates/ folder using FTP client (Filezilla, etc.) or hosting file manager
  • Navigate to Extensions / Templates in your Subrion admin dashboard
  • Click Activate button on uploaded template

Git installation (for tech nerds)

Our free templates can be also found at Subrion Github. You can install any template, using basic Git commands.

  • Connect to your server using SSH
  • Change your directory (cd) to your Subrion core / templates/
  • Run this command: git clone ./NAME where name is the name of template you wish to install
  • Navigate to Extensions / Templates in your Subrion admin dashboard
  • Click Activate button on cloned template
  • 1.0.1
    • Improvements and fixes
  • 1.0.0
    • Template released
Core version Latest version Template versions
4.2.1 1.0.2 1.0.2 1.0.1 1.0.0
4.2.0 1.0.2 1.0.2 1.0.1 1.0.0
4.1.5 1.0.2 1.0.2 1.0.1 1.0.0
4.1.4 1.0.1 1.0.1 1.0.0
4.1.3 1.0.1 1.0.1 1.0.0
4.1.2 1.0.1 1.0.1 1.0.0
4.1.1 1.0.1 1.0.1 1.0.0
4.1.0 1.0.1 1.0.1 1.0.0
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Registration is simple and takes just few seconds. After you register, you will be able to download stuff from the market, and become a developer.



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Contact us

Feel free to ask any question you want. Quoting of your project is free.