Forest template

Nice and simple template for Coupons script

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All time: 16539

Version: 4.0.2 Updated: May 18, 2016 Views: 16539

Bootstrap 3 based template for Subrion CMS

Works best with Subrion Coupons Script and Web Directory Script. Please read installation instruction for better layout.

Forest template does not require any package to be installed first.

Configuration for Coupons Script

This template is ideal for Coupons script. To get the best experience, please follow these instructions on how to place content blocks. Go to Admin Dashboard -> Content -> Blocks and edit each block accordingly.

  1. Disable blocks: Teaser block, Call to action
  2. Popular shops -> position: verytop
  3. Coupon Categories -> position: left, order: 1, Visible everywhere: true
  4. Coupon of the Day -> position: right
  • 4.0.2
    • Improvements for mobile devices
  • 4.0.1
    • Updated for latest Subrion Directory Package
    • Minor improvements
  • 4.0.0
    • Updated for latest Subrion core version
  • 3.3.0
    • Template released
Core version Latest version Template versions
4.0.5 4.0.2 4.0.2 4.0.1
4.0.4 4.0.1 4.0.1
4.0.3 4.0.0 4.0.0
4.0.2 4.0.0 4.0.0
4.0.1 4.0.0 4.0.0
3.3.5 3.3.0 3.3.0
3.3.4 3.3.0 3.3.0
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